Συναγερμός, Κάμερες, Access Control, Πυρανίχνευση

Sectors we Service

Since 2007 we strive to provide services that help our clients excel in a disruptive business environment.
We provide business and technology solutions across financial services, telecoms, government and renewable energy.


Past confirms the importance of the forthcoming. Competently differentiate banking outcomes from offering a unique customer experience and measurable customer value. Standing up and being exceptional is the key of the financial foundation that needs market leadership. Banks that transform today in pursuit of positive differentiation are the leaders of tomorrow.


We provide solutions across a wide range or Government departments from county daily services to healthcare. We assist our clients in finding innovative answers to the challenges they face and delivering better quality services at a lower cost. Digital transformation is a challenge for public sector, where technology should lead clients demand with increased transparency and accountability.


With the insurance industry in disruption, digital insurers are exploiting the power of technology and grasping new opportunities Our Insurance solutions use AI, Cloud and other technologies for supporting insurers to improve their core operations, growth revenues and becoming agile with their clientele. We equip them with the suitable tools for confronting a demanding future.


LOREM IPSUM blab bla bla blab bla bla blab bla bla Government departments from county daily services to healthcare. We assist our clients in finding innovative answers to the challenges they face and delivering better quality services at a lower cost. Digital transformation is a challenge for public sector, where technology should lead clients demand with


Telecoms sector is at the core of digital disruption. Embracing a strategic forward thinking is vital for surviving in a shrinking market with severe competition. We help telco organisations to prioritise digital transformation in the areas of: customer experience design, renewal processes, legacy systems integration, IoT evaluation, selection, design and delivery and ultimately service diversification.


Project Financing for solar and wind Renewables became an imperative the last decade, requiring a high level of expertise in renewables’ technology, legislation, construction and maintenance. We assist our customers in project structuring, management and financing in all steps of their transactions. Services offered cover all aspects of investment starting from project sourcing, due diligence, project structuring, project financing and transaction management.

Our team

Panos Balezos

London, UK

Donec a felis sed ligula aliquet sollicitudin a in elit. Nunc at commodo erat, fringilla egestas tortor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.

George Nikolaou

Central Europe, Netherlands

Donec a felis sed ligula aliquet sollicitudin a in elit. Nunc at commodo erat, fringilla egestas tortor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.


South East Europe

Donec a felis sed ligula aliquet sollicitudin a in elit. Nunc at commodo erat, fringilla egestas tortor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.